Pat Ford (née Crane)

Published: 13 Jan 2025

Time spent at school: 1949 to 1954

Date passed away: January 7th 2025

Joan Palmer, née Charleson (1949 to 1954) tells that Pat passed away very suddenly on January 7th 2025.

“We had remained close friends for over 70 years and still spoke to each other regularly and gave
one another support and advise when it was needed.
I spoke to her only a week before she passed quietly away and in her recent Christmas card she
made a special point of thanking me for our very long and special friendship. She wasn’t ill but I
can’t help thinking she had a premonition.
We were both redheads, me the typical archetypal, outgoing red head and her the complete
opposite; quiet and calm; You could say that apart from our hair we were Ying and Yang.
but there was one other thing we had common; a rm belief that we were fortunate to have been
pupils at one of the very best schools and that the education and moral guidance we received
under the Headmastership of Mr Wigfield had been the best we could have wished for.”