March Newsletter 2022
Dear Old Godhelmian,
We hope you are all well. It finally looks as though spring has arrived with the promise of warmer days ahead.
There are a couple of events planned for this year:
- On Saturday June 11th 2022 at 12.00 there will be an informal reunion for those who left Godalming Grammar in 1972 or 1973 at The Stag on The River, Tel: +44 (0)1483 421 568, Lower Eashing Lane, Eashing, Surrey, GU7 2QG. If you haven’t been notified of this and would like to come, please let Eleanor Andrews ([email protected]) More details will be sent out soon.
- The class of 1970-1977 reunion will be a picnic from midday-18.00 at Godalming College on Sunday 17th July and will include a tour of the college. There will be a cost of £12. 25-30 attendees are expected. It is being organised by Steve Teague ([email protected]) – please contact him directly if you are interested.
- Famous Alumni
- Eminent people associated with the School
- The New County School
- Early days of the School
- The War Years
- Towards the 21st Century
- Travel to School
- Uniform, badges and colours
- Daily Life at School
- School Reports
- Speech Day
- To date (March 2022) 463 people have confirmed their membership of the OGA and 153 people have registered on the Website.
- Please register on the website ( in order to access the full range of information and photographs.
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