The current committee comprises:
Chairperson – Shirley Coleman 65 – 72
Shirley had seven nice years at GGS enjoying grass tennis courts, sun-filled classrooms and some great teaching. Currently Technical Director of NU Solve, in the School of Maths, Stats and Physics at Newcastle University. Whilst relishing living by Tynemouth Long Sands and the Northumberland countryside, she is a frequent traveller to the South and beyond visiting family and friends.
Treasurer – Peter Cousins 65 – 72
On leaving school I shunned university (much to Mr Dewar’s disgust), and qualified as an accountant. A glittering career in finance followed with firms in construction, IT and The National Health Service. I ended up as Finance Director of a large property company from which I retired in 2021. I am now retained as a consultant for two days a week. I am still a season ticket holder at Watford FC to ensure that the emotional roller coaster goes on!!
Secretary – Judith Baker (née Tribe) 65 – 72
After an enjoyable time at GGS from ’65 to ’72 where I made lifelong friends and rose to the dizzying heights of Deputy Head girl, I took my love of Music to primary education in Nottingham and latterly to mid-Wales, where Graham and I also ran a smallholding whilst he worked for Laura Ashley. I served on the Montgomeryshire Magistrates’ Bench, in both the adult and youth courts, for 26 years. I retired as a Headteacher in 2017 and as a Magistrate in 2023. I now share my time between my Mum, the grandchildren, volunteering at the local theatre and DV charity and our house in France. Life is good.
Eleanor Andrews (née Whitcombe) 65 – 72
At GGS Eleanor met life-long friends and received inspirational teaching. She taught French, Italian and European cinema until her retirement in 2018. She lives with her husband in peaceful, rural Shropshire. She has two sons, two daughters-in-law and two grandchildren – a grandson whom she looks after once a week and a granddaughter who sometimes visits from London. Music, in particular the flute, plays an important part in her life.
Susan Hindle (née Potts) 65 – 72
An enthusiastic grandmother, spending time each year, as such, in Melbourne Australia and DaNang Vietnam. Sue practiced as a litigation solicitor in the NW and south of England for some 32 years, retiring in 2008 to lead silent meditation retreats for an Indian organisation all over the world, and run a small charity. A bit of a change! Home is on the border with mid Wales.
Marta Riddle (née Grabiec) 65 – 72
Marta had seven enjoyable years at GGS. She went to Hull University and then taught in Hull for two years before returning to live in Farncombe and to teach in Cranleigh. After retiring in 2013, she joined the
local U3A and has been a member of various groups. She enjoys going to exhibitions in London with friends. She has one daughter and two grand-daughters, one of whom she looks after once a week at present.
David Hayes 66 – 71
Summer athletics, sports day and school dinners are among my happiest memories of GGS, along with performing in a school play and making a bookshelf in woodwork, which I still use in my study!
After graduating I taught English for two years in Thailand, and while there began a career as a roving freelance journalist covering Southeast Asia, the Far East and elsewhere. Still travelling researching reports, my other interests include Morris dancing and being a governor and trustee at one of London’s large secondary schools.
Hazel Freeston (née White) 47 – 54
I started GGS in 1947 with my twin sister Cherry. In our class there were 3 pairs of twins! We played in many school teams and were joint head girls in 1954. In 1962 I married Peter a fellow OG and we had 2 sons. I worked as a teacher mainly in the Godalming area, retiring in 1994. In 1997 I organised a Reunion of our GGS 1947 entrants tracking down about 80 of our 100.
Steve Teague 70-77
Attended 1970-77 before heading to Birmingham Uni. A mathematician before specialising in computer science and working in many IT roles for 20 years. Started online finance business in 2000 which grew to biggest in its field before credit crunch. Semi-retired in Headley now with wife, two children and grandson.
Judy Stoker (née Bennett) 55-61/62
School 55-61/62, Farnham Art School, Goldsmith’s college, later Oxford Brookes. Teacher/ lecturer from pre-school to adult; in private, public and state systems. Worked in textile conservation and as a chiropractor. Married Phil a vintage car enthusiast; one daughter three grandchildren. Phil and I live in Grayshott.
Mary Pugh (née Pout) 65 – 72
GGS was a big change from a very small primary school. I enjoyed my years there and the opportunity for all the team sports. After 3 language A levels and following a combined business studies/languages course I surprisingly followed a career in IT. Recently retired, enjoying family time, and being involved in the OGA and local Ramblers group.
Annette Ettorre (née Pickford) 65 – 72
Enjoyed school, the sports (especially netball), music and chess club. Moved to Italy in 1973 and graduated from Rome University to do research in molecular biology. Spends her time between Rome and the family home in Spoleto (Umbria). In 2008 founded the “Paolo Ettorre-Socially Correct” association to promote cause-related marketing (